
Saturday, May 10, 2008

You look very very pretty tonight

May 9, 2008

“Just try and stay out of my way. Just try! I'll get you, my pretty and your little dog too! “

Oh, Reverend John Hagee, tsk, tsk…..

Most readers will be shocked by the clear record of history linking Adolf Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church in a conspiracy to exterminate the Jews.” [Jerusalem Countdown by Reverend John Hagee who calls the Catholic Church "the great whore”].

"In the United States, our best journalism is published in books now and talked about on the radio and the internet. If you get your news from a television or a newspaper, you live in another world. This no doubt contributes to how divided we are politically.”
[David Swanson, co-founder AfterDowningStreet.org
review of The Case for Impeachment:
The Legal Argument for Removing President George W. Bush from Office]

The 24 hour TV news channels couldn’t get enough of Jeremiah Wright—they broadcast seemingly 24/7 about it, determined to make it the #1 issue. It was like P. D. Q. Bach’s WTWP (Wall-to-Wall Pachelbel) but it was all Wright, all the time.

Why Isn't The Media Paying Attention To McCain's Creepy Pastor Buddy, John Hagee?
This guy makes Barak's pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, look like the Easter Bunny
.” (evangelicalright.com/)

Rod Parsley, head of the “Patriot Pastors”, another right-wing televangelist, “actress” Heidi Montag [The Hills—MTV], George Allen [of “Macaca” fame], war hawk Joe Lieberman, Sylvester Stallone [who was convicted in Australia in May of 2007 for illegally importing human growth hormone and testosterone into that country which included 48 vials of an HGH drug banned in the U.S.], Shauna Sand [Lorenzo Lamas’ ex-wife], hell, Ronald Reagan from the great beyond, but, they all think John McCain should be your next President.


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