Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda
Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda
May 18, 2008
Should John McCain’s wife have plagiarized her “treasured family recipes” word for word from The Food Network? Probably not.
Should Hillary Clinton made her “sniper fire” comments about her trip to Bosnia? Probably not. (It’s enough she flew into a war zone; no need to add on.)
Should Barack Obama have used the “bitter “comment? Probably not. (More genteelly he would have noted that folks lean most heavily on their faith when at wit’s end; like FDR’s advice, “When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.”)
Do any of these lower gas prices? make healthcare more affordable? shrink tuition costs? decrease insurance costs? In early 2001, you’d have forked over $1.70 a gallon for gas. President Bush says he, “understands” the average American’s plight. No he doesn’t; he’s a billionaire; he has his own plane for Heaven’s sake. He’s not ever had to choose between food and medicine.
As said by NewsHour [PBS], in May, 2003, “Due to the sluggish economy and state budget deficits, many students will pay record-breaking tuition increases to help universities compensate for cuts in state funding” and “According to data from The Chronicle of Higher Education, which tracks college costs, the 10 most expensive schools in the country, led by George Washington University in Washington, D.C., averaged a tuition rise of 52% from 1999 to 2006--nearly triple the 21% rise in the U.S. cost of living during the same period.” [America's Most Expensive Colleges—Forbes.com 1/19/2007] (Well, you can’t have an economic caste system if you educate the poor. Thought education was supposed to be he great leveler.)
Samuel Alito, John Roberts, Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia. Just one more vote and the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v Wade. A bunch of old men in D. C. will decide what healthcare a woman may or may not have. John McCain very publicly declared that as President, he’ll see they get that fifth vote.
A discussion of issues, not juicy gossip and tidbits; wouldn’t that be just swell?
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